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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Heal Your Financial Woes with a Timeshare Donation

We may be getting older but our salaries are not growing with us. In fact, they are shrinking. According to a report by the Census Bureau, in 2010, the average salary for an American household was just a hair under $50,000 at $49,455. This may seem like a good amount of money but when you adjust that number for inflation, the income is about the same as it was in 1996. In another report, Yahoo announced that the average income for recent college grads is about ten percent less than recent college grads in 2000. 

These reports are indicative of the fact that we simply aren't making as much money as we once did. However, if you have a timeshare, you know that this doesn't matter. For a timeshare contract, the amount you pay for maintenance fees is not dependent on your income. No matter what happens in your personal life whether it is a new financial situation, health problems, or children going to college, you will have to pay and there's little that you can do about it. Getting out of a timeshare contract is nearly impossible.

In that same regard, if you try to sell your timeshare, you can expect to encounter quite a bit of resistance. This is because it's very hard to sell your timeshare in a market that's filled with sellers. If you have a thousand sellers and only fifty buyers, those buyers are going to have their pick for the best products at the lowest price. You may not even be able to give your timeshare away. How many other people are in the same financial boat as you? They may not want to take on the contract either.

There is a way to get out of the financial burden of a timeshare though. It's through a timeshare donation. When you donate your timeshare, you find immediate relief. You are no longer under contract and you get a lower tax bill for your troubles. It's tough out there. Lighten the load with Donate Timeshares.



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