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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why There Are Scams in the Timeshare Market

Here's what a timeshare owner has to face when he tries to sell a timeshare. The first thing he faces is an incredibly tough market. The timeshare market has sunk as the economy has dwindled. As more and more people face stagnant incomes and less vacation time, they have to be more selective with vacation options. Many are choosing to stay in or limit where they go. The luxurious timeshare concept is a thing of the past. 

The second thing an individual must face is an influx of timeshare scam artists. Timeshare scam artists prey on those desperate to get rid of their timeshares in the market described above. They tell the owner that they have a buyer lined up for a large fee. Once the owner pays the fee, the deal falls through, and the timeshare owner is left where he started, desperate to get out of his timeshare deal.
Because of these factors, some may associate Donate Timeshares with scam and unscrupulous activity. This is not the case. Donate Timeshares does not ask for any upfront fees and only charges a transfer fee after a transaction has been made. Our donation specialists work hard to ease the donation process for you. 

The donation you make will go towards the Wyatt Foundation, a fantastic charity that helps special needs adults and children overcome their conditions with animal-assisted therapy. Equine therapy has been proven to help people with a host of conditions and ailments. The cornerstone of the Wyatt Foundation is Spirit Ranch, a working ranch that campers can experience to bolster self-esteem and establish relationships with the animals.
Donate Timeshares and scam do not go together. We are a company dedicated to helping owners find timeshare relief in a tough market filled with scam artists. A timeshare donation is a great way to get rid of your timeshare. You find relief and a charity get much needed funds. We are proud to be a part of this industry. Contact us for more information today.

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Here's an Idea! Donate Your Timeshare and Avoid the Timeshare Money Pit

If you think Donate Timeshares is a bad idea, you may want to look at some of the value figures concerning keeping your timeshare. Buying a timeshare is a lot like buying a car; it's going to start losing value as soon as you receive the keys. The average new car will lose fifteen to twenty percent after the first year. Beyond the first year, you're looking at a roughly ten percent loss each year. If you apply for credit and have a four year loan, by the time you own your car outright; it may be worth half as much as you paid for it. 

A timeshare normally doesn't hold up in value either. Over time, a timeshare can depreciate by as much as 75 percent depending on location and upkeep of the timeshare. Many timeshare resorts are notorious for not keeping up with repairs and allowing properties to become disheveled. If a timeshare is not well-kept, this could greatly reduce the value of the timeshare in the long run. Even if the timeshare is kept in pristine condition, you will not get your money back.

Moreover, the price you pay for your car or timeshare does not end with the sticker price. A car costs money in gas, insurance, and upkeep costs. You will end up paying thousands of dollars each year just to operate your car. The same rings true to owning a timeshare. You will have to pay maintenance fees, special assessments if something goes wrong, as well as travel and miscellaneous costs. You may end up paying thousands of dollars on all of these costs as well. Given all of these costs associated with owning a timeshare, does Donate Timeshares still sound like a bad idea.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Sometimes the Good Things Really Are True

However you slice it, finding a buyer for your timeshare can be a tough and strenuous ordeal. You will have to put in long hours listing your timeshare on real estate sites, organizing all of your paperwork for a smooth transaction, and corresponding with prospective buyers. If you decide to go the real estate broker route, you will have to pay a pretty hefty fee. Real estate brokers usually charge opening and closing fees when completing a timeshare transaction. That means you'll have to take a chunk out of any money you receive for your timeshare, and you won't receive much. 

Any investor will tell you that you shouldn't get into a timeshare to make money. It would be smarter and safer for your blood pressure and state of mind to consider a timeshare a yearly expense for fun. However, if you need the money and don't want your timeshare anymore, you may be troubled to learn that you won't get much through a sale besides a few more gray hairs. That's why timeshare donations became so popular. The opportunity to donate your timeshare and receive a nice refund and timeshare freedom may sound too good to be true. Many charities have agreed and no longer accept timeshare donations.

However because of this trend, many may think Donate Timeshares is too good to be true. Luckily for those who need timeshare relief, this is not the case. Donate Timeshares helps timeshare owners find timeshare relief and donate to a good cause like the Wyatt Foundation. You don't have to worry about find someone to buy your timeshare or how you're going to pay high broker fees. You already have a way out. Consult a donation specialist today and learn how you can find timeshare relief.

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Timeshares and Scams – What to Look For

In the news of late, a lot has been made of timeshare scams. In the state of Florida alone, the District Attorney reports that he receives more complaints about timeshare scams than anything else. A scam is defined as something that is fraudulent. An individual has to be deceitful and wrongfully attempt to swindle an individuals or individuals out of their money. It is a practice that is becoming more and more common in the timeshare industry.

Why is this? It's really simple. There are just a lot of people out there who are looking to get rid of their timeshares. They can't afford to pay the maintenance fees or they simply don't want to vacation in the same spot every year. Unfortunately, they are unable to unload the timeshare because there are too many in the market. There is practically no way that they will be able to make their money back on their original investment. 

Scam artists know this. That's why they'll approach those looking to sell and say they'll be able to sell it for them easily. All the timeshare owners have to do is pay a small upfront fee. You can only guess what happens next. The timeshare owner pays the money and never hears from the scam artist again. This is has led to much skepticism about companies that say that they can offer timeshare relief.
For those who think Donate Timeshares is a scam, please reconsider and don't let other fraudulent companies allow you to believe all companies have ill motives. Donate Timeshares does not charge an up-front fee. It will only collect on compensation if the timeshare is sold. Donate Timeshares is a company that wants to help you find timeshare relief and help a charity in need in The Wyatt Foundation. There are some bad companies out there. Luckily, there are some good ones as well. Find timeshare relief with Donate Timeshares.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Right a Wrong with a Timeshare Donation

You may have not really had much of a choice when you bought your timeshare. Instead, you were deceived by companies looking to make a quick buck by showing you a fraudulent world. You were given discounted tours and tickets only to learn once the fun was over that the experience was far different. If this is the case, you were duped and now you face a lifetime of maintenance fees and costs which you never wanted in the first place. News from ABC Charleston highlights these scary and fraudulent business practices. 

In a report called "Tourist Trap or Legitimate Business Strategy," investigative reporters shine light on a growing trend in the city of Charleston about companies who use false information or shallow perks to convince out-of-town visitors to make an investment in a timeshare or travel club. These companies use the guise of a travel center to conduct their business. These are not official city visitor centers, but the companies aren't quick to tell visitors that. Many tourists have avoided Charleston because they believe the city of Charleston is trying to profit off of timeshares. You can read the report here

If you find yourself duped and now with a timeshare contract that you never wanted to begin with, you should consider a timeshare donation. You may have been tricked but that doesn't mean some good can't come from it. Donating your timeshare means more help for a charity that needs it. The Wyatt Foundation is dedicated to helping adults and children and your timeshare can help make that happen. To make things even better, you will receive a lower tax bill. It's a win-win. You can't protect yourself from fraudulent business practices sometimes. However, you can respond with doing something good. A timeshare donation is one way to do so.

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You Don't Need to a Time Machine to Find Timeshare Relief

If you're looking for timeshare relief now, you may want to look at why you bought the timeshare in the first place. Let's say you bought it in the mid to late 90s. Back in 1997, it may have been a great idea to buy a timeshare. The real gross domestic product grew nearly four percent and inflation was very low. We were on the brink of the dot com age and personal income grew with the morale that good times were here for good. You figured a timeshare would be a great investment as real estate was pretty safe back then.

Go fourteen years into the future and things aren't so bright. Inflation has grown at a rate well above the gross domestic product and the dot com bubble burst a long time ago. Real estate is about as safe as hitting on eighteen at a blackjack table.  You're stuck with a property that you can't afford to hold on to, nor really want to due to travel expenses and lack of vacation time. You couldn't predict the future, so you had no idea how bad things were going to get. Don't give up so fast. Although you're not a soothsayer, you can right the wrongs of the past with the help of Donate Timeshares.

Donate Timeshares will help you find timeshare relief by showing you how to donate your timeshare to a good cause. The Wyatt Foundation accepts timeshare donations to help fund Spirit Ranch and their animal-assistance therapy program for handicap adults and children in need. You will in return no longer be bound by your timeshare contract and fees, and you will receive a hefty deduction on your taxes. You can turn back in time with a timeshare donation.

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