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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

You Don't Need to a Time Machine to Find Timeshare Relief

If you're looking for timeshare relief now, you may want to look at why you bought the timeshare in the first place. Let's say you bought it in the mid to late 90s. Back in 1997, it may have been a great idea to buy a timeshare. The real gross domestic product grew nearly four percent and inflation was very low. We were on the brink of the dot com age and personal income grew with the morale that good times were here for good. You figured a timeshare would be a great investment as real estate was pretty safe back then.

Go fourteen years into the future and things aren't so bright. Inflation has grown at a rate well above the gross domestic product and the dot com bubble burst a long time ago. Real estate is about as safe as hitting on eighteen at a blackjack table.  You're stuck with a property that you can't afford to hold on to, nor really want to due to travel expenses and lack of vacation time. You couldn't predict the future, so you had no idea how bad things were going to get. Don't give up so fast. Although you're not a soothsayer, you can right the wrongs of the past with the help of Donate Timeshares.

Donate Timeshares will help you find timeshare relief by showing you how to donate your timeshare to a good cause. The Wyatt Foundation accepts timeshare donations to help fund Spirit Ranch and their animal-assistance therapy program for handicap adults and children in need. You will in return no longer be bound by your timeshare contract and fees, and you will receive a hefty deduction on your taxes. You can turn back in time with a timeshare donation.

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At November 9, 2011 at 12:52 PM , Blogger Speedeamon said...

This is what me and my brother did to get out of our timeshares, which were killing us. Corporate charitable donations are something I recommend to anyone trying to get out of their timeshare. It's nice to donate to help a cause and also the tax break is cool! :)


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