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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Right a Wrong with a Timeshare Donation

You may have not really had much of a choice when you bought your timeshare. Instead, you were deceived by companies looking to make a quick buck by showing you a fraudulent world. You were given discounted tours and tickets only to learn once the fun was over that the experience was far different. If this is the case, you were duped and now you face a lifetime of maintenance fees and costs which you never wanted in the first place. News from ABC Charleston highlights these scary and fraudulent business practices. 

In a report called "Tourist Trap or Legitimate Business Strategy," investigative reporters shine light on a growing trend in the city of Charleston about companies who use false information or shallow perks to convince out-of-town visitors to make an investment in a timeshare or travel club. These companies use the guise of a travel center to conduct their business. These are not official city visitor centers, but the companies aren't quick to tell visitors that. Many tourists have avoided Charleston because they believe the city of Charleston is trying to profit off of timeshares. You can read the report here

If you find yourself duped and now with a timeshare contract that you never wanted to begin with, you should consider a timeshare donation. You may have been tricked but that doesn't mean some good can't come from it. Donating your timeshare means more help for a charity that needs it. The Wyatt Foundation is dedicated to helping adults and children and your timeshare can help make that happen. To make things even better, you will receive a lower tax bill. It's a win-win. You can't protect yourself from fraudulent business practices sometimes. However, you can respond with doing something good. A timeshare donation is one way to do so.

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